

火博体育堆肥 is a student-run composting program 那 services on-campus residences 以及整个学年的学术空间. 自2011年以来,该项目已经转移 over 130,000 pounds of food waste from landfills while preventing harmful greenhouse 气体的排放. 该项目产生的堆肥被火博体育社区利用 Garden, where it is used to enrich soils and promote the growth of healthy, fresh, 有机蔬菜.

在那里 are green buckets on the first floor kitchen of our resident halls and on the 大多数学术建筑的一楼. 餐厅和水疗中心有堆肥袋 让食客刮盘子. 在房子的后面,工作人员将厨房的残羹剩饭分开 放入堆肥箱. 这些食物垃圾是由 食物Scraps360, a local compost hauler, and composted at the Town of Bethlehem’s Commercial 堆肥ing 设施. 这些项目可以处理食物垃圾(包括动物制品)和餐巾纸. 他们不能携带盘子、杯子和银器等可分解的器皿.

学生也可以在他们的校园公寓里堆肥. 这是学生们堆肥的 在我们的“后院堆肥”系统中. 公寓居民把他们的厨房桶倒进 bins near their apartment which student 堆肥 Mangers collect weekly and compost 在校园. 这个程序可以处理植物性食物残渣和蛋壳(没有动物) 产品请)!

请电子邮件 compost@mulher-perfeita.net 有问题或担忧.

The student compost managers host Work Parties on Friday's through the school year. At these work parties, volunteers will help collect blue bins on our 自行车 trailers, 用铲子把食物垃圾翻过来充气,然后放回蓝色垃圾桶. 志愿者应该 wear sturdy shoes 那 can get dirty, bring a water bottle, and dress in layers if 外面很冷. 准备手套和工具.

请回复至 compost@mulher-perfeita.net if you are interested in lending attending a work party or if you want to volunteer 以另一种身份.

公寓住户: Our "backyard style" bin collection system is suited for vegetable waste and eggshells. 我们确实会带牛油果核、意大利面、咖啡渣、南瓜和南瓜. 我们所做的 NOT accept meats, cheeses, bones, or biodegradable plastics, as these do not break 在我们的系统中以一种及时的方式下降.


宿舍、教学楼和餐厅: 该学院与一个可以接受所有食物残渣的工业堆肥机合作 (包括动物产品). 这些堆肥被拖到 伯利恒,纽约 由食物Scraps360.

估计1人.尽管事实如此,全球每年仍有30亿吨食物被浪费 那 6.9亿年 全世界都有粮食不安全问题. 食物是否因为没有出售而被浪费 in stores or was left on one’s plate after dinner, these scraps are destined for landfills, where they will produce methane—a harmful gas to humans and the environment alike. These landfills do not exist in a vacuum, and are frequently located in low-income, BIPOC communities, disproportionately putting marginalized people at risk of the unpleasant 以及垃圾填埋场的有害影响. 这些社区经历了更严重的 traffic, dusty air filled with “noxious odors and toxic gases”, and noise pollution (NCEJN). 甲烷的排放也导致了气候变化,这是不成比例的 impacts marginalized communities through “ (a) increase in the exposure of the disadvantaged groups to the adverse effects of climate change; (b) increase in their susceptibility to damage caused by climate change; and (c) decrease in their ability to cope and 从遭受的损失中恢复过来。” (Islam and Winkel, 2017). 气候变化的影响也给发展中国家带来了更大的负担 over developed nations, despite the latter contributing to climate change at exponentially 更高的利率. 

Aside from, or in tandem with, reducing food waste, the most effective solution to 这个问题是堆肥. 通过堆肥,我们把浪费的食物转化为食物 into nutrient-rich soil 那 can then be used in farms and gardens, rather than sending 把它送到垃圾填埋场. 通过堆肥,节约了水、能源、土地、劳动力和资本资源 用来制作食物的原料并没有全部丢失,而是被重新利用了. 这不是 only helps the area where the soil ends up, it also provides a more sustainable solution 浪费并减轻边缘化社区的负担. 

在火博体育学院,我们让堆肥变得最简单. 你拥有的一切 to do is put your food waste in the bags we provide for you and take it to the blue 洗衣室外的垃圾箱——你的堆肥经理会处理好剩下的. 之前 throwing your food scraps or unused produce in the garbage, remember the effects of 你的行动. 在堆肥中,我们是在为种族正义而战.




校园堆肥项目最初是一个学生的毕业项目. 学生探索 the economic and environmental costs and benefits of a comprehensive, institutional 堆肥系统. 该项目提出该系统将收集和堆肥 food scraps, lawn-maintenance byproducts and horse manure from the Skidmore stables. 这个很有前途的项目后来被学生们采纳了. 他们一起写了一份提案 北森林村公寓的试点项目. 获得批准后, the student leadership team and the Environmental Action Club (EAC) adopted the project 并在2011年春天开始收集堆肥.


The first semester of the 火博体育堆肥 collection was successful, but students 知道可以改进. 利用公寓住户、学生的反馈 志愿者们对堆肥项目做了几项改进. 学生给住院医师 new buckets, offered more educational opportunities about proper composting practices 并做了一些改变,使这个项目更有效率. 再一次,学生们进行了调查 让诺斯伍德的居民分析该计划的有效性.


The 2012–13 academic year brought many improvements to the 火博体育堆肥 Program. 可持续火博体育公司第一次雇佣了两名学生做堆肥经理. 在那里 was a significant increase in student volunteerism and general awareness of the Skidmore 堆肥 Program with the new student leadership, allowing the program to expand its 深入校园,对项目进行改进. 学生们开始收集堆肥 from apartments with bicycles and trailers, reducing our dependence on fossil-fueled 车辆. 该组织还与火博体育餐饮服务公司合作,开始收集食物 食堂的咖啡渣和三家校园咖啡馆的咖啡渣.


火博体育堆肥公司继续扩张. 一种新的可生物降解袋计划正在使用 within the Northwoods apartments, helping improve the cleanliness of the program for 公寓的居民. 我们也不再仅仅为北森林村提供服务. 现在,火博体育堆肥公司提供教育活动,教学生如何减少 他们制造的废物量. 虽然堆肥食物垃圾很重要,但它 总的来说,找到减少浪费的方法更重要吗. 火博体育堆肥公司做到了 offered food preparation workshops 那 show how to properly cut vegetables so 那 可食用的部分不浪费,以及如何妥善储存食物,使其保存更久.


After many years of planning, 火博体育堆肥 expanded its operation to a larger-scale 在离校园一英里的地方进行堆肥项目. 新的更大规模的计划 composts horse manure from our stables, lands and ground debris, and coffee grounds 我们所有的校内餐厅. 在这个站点创建的堆肥被使用 on landscaped beds across campus to reduce our reliance on fossil fuel-based fertilizers. Students are trained to operate the tractor 那 we use manage the material 那 is 送到现场,打开我们的窗户.  我们的校园堆肥计划仍在继续 管理我们公寓村的食物垃圾.


2017年,火博体育在默里-艾金斯餐厅推出了一项试点堆肥计划 Hall to divert food scraps and surplus food (那 cannot be donated to our local community) 防止进入废物流. 在一个成功的试点项目之后,我们实施了一个 2018年夏天的永久项目. 我们目前正在堆肥大约10000个 多亏了与自然升级回收公司的合作,他们每个月都能回收几磅的食物残渣. 鉴于 access to large scale composting, Environmental Action Club coordinated compost collection 在2017年的欢乐日上,避免了数百磅的垃圾填埋.


多年来,餐饮服务部门一直从默里-艾金斯餐厅收集剩余的食物 并将其捐赠给了当地的施粥所和老年中心. 一个学生俱乐部,Feedmore, 管理整个学年的食物收集和捐赠. 2018年,它们开始了 weighing weekly food donations, and their inventory suggested 那 over 3,000 of pounds 仅这一学年就捐赠了剩余的食物.


The student composting program secured funding for a new member of the team- an electric 自行车! 这辆自行车帮助我们的团队用堆肥在火博体育校园的山丘上穿行 拖着.

今年春天,EAC和可持续发展办公室合作在加州试点堆肥 宿舍,从威金斯宿舍开始. 该计划继续扩大 to all other Residences, with one bucket in the 1st floor kitchen of each building.

Sadly our off-campus site was put on hold for the forseeable future with presently insurmountable challenges of imbalanced C:N ratio delaying timely breakdown, water 接入、与场地基质渗透的碎石混合堆肥.


从2022年开始,纽约州环境保护部 食物捐赠及食物残渣回收法 “需要 businesses and institutions generating an annual average of two tons or more of food waste per week to: Donate excess edible food; and recycle all remaining food scraps 如果他们在25英里内的有机回收.火博体育开始报道此事 year and expanded collection to post-consumer food scraps in the Dining Hall as well.