
国家优秀奖学金,奖学金 & 奖助金


Prestigious fellowships and scholarships are monetary awards offered by institutions, foundations, or other organizations to support academic work, research, or specialized training in areas of particular interest to the granting organization. 办公室 of 学生学术事务 (OSAA) supports these fellowships and scholarships from 需要机构认可的外部资助者. 资格的指导方针 and qualifications for fellowships are as varied as the organizations that sponsor them, so you should spend some time looking at the descriptions on our List of Fellowships, 奖学金和助学金页面. 

Prestigious fellowships and scholarships  are offered by external funders—not Skidmore. If you are an incoming student or a current student with questions about financial 援助,请联系财政援助办公室. 

Most fellowships and scholarships require students to have a strong GPA. 然而, 这只是应用程序的一部分. 有声望的奖学金候选人和 scholarships are commited to their studies and engaged with campus and/or their community. These traits are reflected in internships, independent studies, collaborative research, 在俱乐部和/或组织等担任领导职务. 

At a minimum, students should be exploring these fellowships and scholarships and 和女士谈话. 在申请截止的前一个学期. 然而,我们强烈 encourage students to come in during their first or second year to discuss the 过程 and get started researching the opportunities that are available to them given their 专业,GPA,未来目标等.    


 SPRING SEMESTER START (January/February) for these fall scholarships: FALL SEMESTER START (September/October) for these winter/spring scholarships:
马歇尔奖学金 卡内基青年研究员计划
米切尔奖学金 戈德华特奖学金
罗兹奖学金 德意志奖学金
盖茨剑桥奖学金 杜鲁门奖学金
富布赖特奖学金 博伦奖学金
保罗和黛西·索罗斯新美人奖学金 詹姆斯·麦迪逊奖学金
Davies-Jackson奖学金 全国大学田径协会
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program 施瓦茨曼的学者
EPA GRO奖学金  

Generally, these fellowships and scholarships are granted to those with a high level of achievement in a given area, such as academic or artistic talent. 奖项也包括 available for students who are interested in particular fields of study, who are members of under-represented groups, who live in certain areas of the country, etc. 最好的 way to see if you qualify for one of these fellowships and scholarships is to spend some time reading about the different scholarships and fellowships the OSAA supports. We list basic information about each fellowship and scholarship and provide a link 到各自的主页. 请 know that most have a minimum GPA requirement, so it is important that you 查看在线信息,看看你是否符合条件. 

For most prestigious fellowships and scholarships, there is a limit to the number 火博体育可以提名的学生. 因此,有一个提名程序. 请 在奖学金截止日期前一个学期火博体育

While most of the prestigious fellowships and scholarships the OSAA supports are for juniors, seniors, and recent graduates, there is no reason to delay exploring opportunities 在你的学术兴趣方面. 在你大学生涯的这个阶段,你可能会考虑:

  1. Making an appointment to come in and talk to our office about your plans to apply 获得杜鲁门奖学金,戈德华特奖学金等.;
  2. Meeting with your advisor or other faculty members to investigate possibilities for 合作研究和独立研究;
  3. 与职业发展中心讨论实习事宜;
  4. Volunteering at local organizations and non profits; and
  5. Joining clubs that would allow you to further your interests outside the classroom.

As a junior or a senior interested in a prestigious fellowship or scholarship, you 要不要约个时间进来谈谈 马拉Melito 火博体育申请流程. 你需要有很强的学术意识 interests for the next year and/or beyond, so please spend some time prior to the meeting determining which fellowships and scholarships fit with your achievements, 目标和价值观. It is in your best interest to start planning early, so please 请在申请截止日期前一个学期来. 

请 know that spending a semester (or year) abroad does not disqualify you from 这个过程.  请 联络我们的办事处 to discuss the application 过程 for students who are abroad. 

The OSAA offers its support to Skidmore alumni for three years after graduation. 请 联络我们的办事处 来讨论这个过程.  此外,许多奖学金都有年龄/毕业日期 的否决. 请 be sure to review the criteria for each scholarship to be sure you 仍然符合资格.

We often receive phone calls from parents asking about opportunities for their student. We encourage parents to explore our webpage, discuss these opportunities, and encourage their student to make an appointment to come in and talk to us about the application 过程.