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Skidmore College

Saratoga traditions Skidmore students love

March 1, 2020
by Jenny Lupoff

Saratoga Springs is the perfect college town. What really makes it stand out, however, is how passionate the community is about its traditions. Some may be expected — like 它的赛马历史——但其他的只能来自一个重视的小城市 creative thought as much as Skidmore College does.

为了体验一下(很多都涉及到食物),这里有一些萨拉托加的传统 students love.

Saratoga Farmers’ Market

Farmers market

Produce at the Farmer's market

夏季的高岩公园亭子和林肯浴场大楼都被填满了 冬天,萨拉托加农贸市场提供温暖的新鲜出炉的面包,充满活力 produce and artisanal cheese all year round.

自1978年以来,市场已经发展到包括出售从手工制作的各种商品的摊贩 水培蔬菜的附件,甚至是即食的热的和冷的饭菜. A trip 去农贸市场是一个很好的方式来庆祝这个社区的工艺和技能.


Skidmore students in downtown Saratoga Springs

A crowd of people fill the sidewalks of Saratoga Springs, NY

它可能落在一个寒冷的二月天,但萨拉托加的年度杂烩节总是 a highly anticipated culinary celebration.

每年,火博体育的学生和来自远近的游客都会穿过拥挤的街道 萨拉托加斯普林斯市中心,小心翼翼地从一家店面挪到另一家店面,以便 not to miss a single cup of $1 chowder.

从这个角度来看,根据发现萨拉托加,2018年有88家餐厅 served more than 137,000 cups of chowder to 40,000 people. 

从经典的海鲜到辛辣的鸡肉,丰盛的蔬菜,甚至甜点杂烩,应有尽有 restaurant offers its own unique spin on this rich soup. With so many to sample, you’ll 手里总是拿着一杯,温暖你冻僵的手指,在你需要的时候帮你渡过难关 and your taste buds wait in anticipation for the next spoonful.

The Saratoga Race Course

Horses running at a race track

当一些城镇聚集在一起的噪音制造者,球衣和面部油漆为一个高度 期待的体育比赛,我们做的事情有点不同在萨拉托加,交易棒球 caps for dramatic, decorative hats.

萨拉托加最著名的传统是一年一度的萨拉托加赛马场比赛 large crowd to the city every summer for 150 years. In fact, the population of Saratoga Springs triplesduring the summer. As a Skidmore Thoroughbred, be sure to catch a glimpse of these speedy horses as they make their way around the track.

Restaurant Week

它被评为全国人均餐馆数量最多的五个城镇之一, Saratoga Springs is a true foodie destination. So naturally, Saratoga’s annual Restaurant Week is a fall favorite.

整个星期,顾客可以享受20美元或30美元的三道菜大餐或10美元的午餐 special at participating restaurants. With so many options so close to campus, Restaurant 周为大学生提供了探索的绝佳机会——价格固定 — the exceptional restaurants Saratoga has to offer.

Great Pumpkin Challenge

Woman painting a pumpkin

把你的书收起来,但是为了南瓜大挑战,把它们放在身边. For this 创意,万圣节主题的比赛由火博体育自己的Scriber图书馆举办,参与者 design a “literary-inspired” pumpkin.

学生和教师用他们的文艺头脑改造他们的南瓜 into imaginative works of art. Past creations include Cinderella’s carriage — complete 灰姑娘坐在他的树桩上,四周都是松露 trees, and the iconic deep-blue cover of “The Great Gatsby.

完成的南瓜,与冬瓜几乎没有什么相似之处,被放置 on display for all library-goers to enjoy. At Skidmore, the creative possibilities are truly endless.

More favorite fall traditions 

International Flavorfeast

这可能是萨拉托加的新传统之一,但对于这个美食家社区来说,就在那里 are never too many ways to celebrate eating.

国际美食节于10月中旬举行,庆祝国际美食 flavors and styles of Saratoga Springs. With dishes from France, China, Japan, Italy 和墨西哥,仅举几例,参与者在心中体验世俗的味道 of Saratoga Springs.

有近30家参与的餐厅,品尝者可以品尝到所有的美食 potato knish to sushi rolls, tacos and ziti Bolognese. For just $1 per sample, this event is the perfect opportunity to try something new.

Victorian Street Walk

A group of men sing during a festival outside

A choir of victorian-dressed people

在寒冷的天气里,当你沿着灯火通明的百老汇大道前进时,时光倒流 December night. 充满了音乐、表演、购物和丰富的精神 维多利亚街步行街是庆祝节日到来的最佳方式.

由萨拉托加温泉市中心商业协会赞助,这次活动是 作为将社区成员聚集在一起的众多典型传统之一, 当地企业和火博体育的学生,其中许多人志愿担任表演者和幕后工作人员 event planners.

More favorite winter traditions

Bonus: Charitable giving

Skidmore students volunteering to rake people's yards

毫无疑问,火博体育与萨拉托加斯普林斯有着独特的联系. And there’s 没有比回报这座城市更好的表达感激之情的方式了. Supporting 慈善事业是Skid Kids和Saratogians的传统.

在校外,学生们在萨拉托加老年中心等组织做志愿者, 萨拉托加桥,萨拉托加庇护所和富兰克林社区中心. On campus, each 节日期间,火博体育关怀计划筹集了食物,供应品和 school supplies for the Saratoga community. Since 2006, the program has raised more 为社区事业捐赠了9万多美元,并分发了2.8万多件物品.

无论季节、地点或时间,都有很多方法可以参与其中 caring tradition. 

A great place to call home

一年四季,这些独一无二的传统,无论是150年前还是5年前, bring endless joy and entertainment. But more than anything, they continuously connect us with one another. 每个传统,无论是轻松的狗狗游行还是志愿者 工作,加强了火博体育和充满创造力和激情的城市之间的联系 is lucky to call home.

About the Author

Jennifer Lupoff

珍妮·卢波夫(Jenny Lupoff)来自康涅狄格州韦斯特波特,主修艺术史,辅修管理和商业. She loves the carefully crafted stories behind all things visual, making her two areas of study a perfect combination. Though from the suburbs, 她在熙熙攘攘的城市里感觉如家一般,喜欢探索——最好是步行——这种能量, foods and shops of new places.

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