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选票图标(Election Icon: Simple representation of a marked ballot entering a ballot box.) i事件的一部分 火博体育的2024年选举节目.

Election Icon: Simple representation of a marked ballot entering a ballot box.《火博体育官网》 
星期四,9月. 12
5:30 p.m.

欢迎所有人加入艾迪·格劳德,詹姆斯·S. 麦克唐奈非洲教授 他在普林斯顿大学做了一场火博体育美国国情的讲座.S. 政治 在2024年总统大选之前. 格劳德是无数的作者 books, including "Democracy in Black: How Race still Enslaves the American Soul," and "Begin Again: James Baldwin's America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own.“联系 温斯顿Grady-Willis 有问题的.

星期四,9月. 12

加入Skidmore名誉总裁Phillip A. Glotzbach和Macalester的前总裁 College Brian Rosenberg for a conversation about democracy in higher education.

35th Annual Fox-Adler Lecture: 'The Astronomical Sublime: Art, Science, and the Cosmos'
周二,9月. 17
5:30 p.m.

Over the last several decades, astronomers have used the Hubble Space Telescope to look deep into the universe, a practice that continues with the James 网络b Space Telescope. 伊丽莎白一个. 斯坦福大学美国研究高级讲师凯斯勒说, will situate views of deep space within a longer history of the sublime, with a focus on their relationship to 19th century paintings and photographs of the American West. 欢迎大家参加. 联系 学院活动办公室 有问题的.

Election Icon: Simple representation of a marked ballot entering a ballot box.ESS Keynote Speaker Series: 'Historic Progress from the Biden-Harris Climate Agenda: “过去、现在和未来”
星期三,9月. 18
6 p.m.
Maggie Thomas, one of President Biden's chief climate advisors, will have a guided conversation with Kris Covey, assistant professor of environmental studies and sciences, and Bob Turner, associate professor of political science, about the Biden-Harris climate 政策进展. 联系 安妮·恩斯特 带着疑问或访问 唐氏教学博物馆网站 了解更多信息.

Frances Steloff Lecture: 'And Some There Will Be: Searching for My Slave Roots'
星期四,9月. 26
8 p.m.

Join author Darryl Pinckney as he delivers the 54th annual Steloff Lecture and recieves 人文文学荣誉博士学位. 平克尼是两部小说《火博体育官网》的作者 Cotton" (1992) and "Black Deutschland" (2016) — as well as several works of nonfiction, 包括《火博体育官网》(2014). 他最近的一本书 is "Come Back in September: A Literary Education on West Sixty-Seventh Street, Manhattan." He will respond to audience questions and sign books following the presentation. 所有 欢迎大家参加. 联系 梅根Bove 有问题或 Frances Steloff讲座网站 了解更多.

Distinguished Scholars in STEM Program: 'Discussion about Campus Drug Policies'
星期五,9月. 27
10:15-11 a.m.

Carl Hart, Mamie Phipps Clark Professor of Psychology at Columbia University and research scientist at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, is an expert on the effects 药物对大脑,身体和社会的影响. 他将与教职员工进行对话 administrators about the science to keep in mind when creating campus drug policies. 所有火博体育社区成员都被邀请参加. 联系 克里斯Vecsey 有问题的. 

Election Icon: Simple representation of a marked ballot entering a ballot box.我们都是原教旨主义者吗?: Salmagundi杂志60周年纪念大会
星期五,9月. 9月27日至周日. 29
7:30 p.m.; 10:15 a.m.-6:30 p.m.; 10:30-1:30 p.m.

Are you disposed to cancel  persons, ideas, films or books of which you disapprove? 如果是,你至少在某种程度上是一个原教旨主义者吗? 这样的问题将会出现 “我们都是原教旨主义者吗??,为期3天的研讨会将汇集 a dozen of the most distinguished writers and thinkers in the country to discuss and 讨论重要的文化、政治和种族问题. 欢迎所有人. 联系罗伯特 有问题或访问的Boyers 唐氏教学博物馆网站 了解更多信息.

Dunkerley Dialogue with Mark Dion, Alexis Rockman, Heather Hurst, and AJ Schneller
周二,10月. 1
6 p.m.

Mark Dion and Alexis Rockman, both artists whose works are on view in the exhibition "Mark Dion and Alexis Rockman: Journey to Nature's Underworld," join Heather Hurst, associate chair and professor of anthropology, and AJ Schneller, associate director and associate professor of environmental studies and sciences, for this year's dunker对话, a program that aims to foster conversation between Skidmore professors and artists. Dunkerley Dialogues are made possible by a generous gift from Michele Dunkerley '80, and this Dunkerley Dialogue is co-presented with the American Federation of Arts, 谁组织了这次展览?. 该课程对所有人开放,并将包括美国手语翻译. 联系 汤姆Yoshikami 带着疑问或访问 唐氏教学博物馆网站 了解更多信息.

Election Icon: Simple representation of a marked ballot entering a ballot box.

“左,右, & 中间:美国政党 & 选民的
星期三,10月. 9
5 p.m.

Political Science Professors Ron Seyb and Natalie Taylor talk with Ruy Teixeira, author 《火博体育官网》 and Matthew Continetti, author of "The Right: the Hundred Year War for American Conservatism," about the shifting composition of the two political parties, the rising number of independent voters, and the implications for the future of American 政治. 所有 欢迎大家参加. 联系 芭芭拉·麦克唐纳 带着疑问或访问 唐氏教学博物馆网站 了解更多信息.

Election Icon: Simple representation of a marked ballot entering a ballot box.Annual Arthur Zankel Lecture: 'Entrepreneurship versus Democracy: American Business 文化与通往特朗普之路
周四,10月. 10
5:30 p.m.

American business culture prizes little else as highly as entrepreneurship, which often serves as a synonym for prosperity, innovation, and even freedom itself. 但 我们对企业家精神的庆祝有其阴暗的一面. 埃里克·贝克是 History of Science Program at Harvard University, will argue, efforts to promote entrepreneurship have often encouraged deference to charismatic leadership and suspicion of collective 行动起来,为我们当前的民主危机奠定基础. 欢迎所有人 参加. 联系 Pushkala普拉萨德 有问题的.

Election Icon: Simple representation of a marked ballot entering a ballot box.“火博体育选举安全和人工智能”
周二,10月. 15
5 p.m.

Darrell West, a senior fellow in the Center for Technology Innovation within the Governance Studies program and a co-editor-in-chief of TechTank at the Brookings Institution, and Gaston Wright, director of civic compass at Civic House, discuss election security, 错误信息和人工智能/社交媒体. 欢迎大家参加. 联系 芭芭拉·麦克唐纳 带着疑问或访问 唐氏教学博物馆网站 了解更多信息.

Election Icon: Simple representation of a marked ballot entering a ballot box.Fall Skidmore Research Colloquium: 'Global Election Fever: What we have learned from 最近世界各地的选举
周一,10月. 21
5:30 p.m.

佛罗里达大西洋大学助理教授卢卡斯·帕雷洛 帝国州立学院(Empire State College)政治学家克里斯托弗·沃恩(Christopher Whann); Mahesh Shankar, director of International Affairs; and Murat Yildiz, assistant professor of history in a discussion moderated by Pushkala普拉萨德, professor and Zankel Chair 管理与商业. 演讲者将集中讨论最近的中部选举 East, South Asia and Latin America and discuss connections to upcoming US elections. 欢迎大家参加. 联系 Pushkala普拉萨德 有问题的.

Election Icon: Simple representation of a marked ballot entering a ballot box.'所有 the Way With ERA '? 在火博体育争取平等权利修正案的斗争 及以后的
星期三,10月. 23
6 p.m.

我们还需要平等权利修正案吗? Join Professor and Associate Chair of Political Science Katherine Graney and Professor 历史系主任詹妮弗·德尔顿 as they discuss the ERA's history at Skidmore, its many opponents, and the current 推动法案通过. 欢迎所有人. 联系 汤姆Yoshikami 带着疑问或访问 唐氏教学博物馆网站 了解更多信息.

Election Icon: Simple representation of a marked ballot entering a ballot box.选举后汇报:社区讨论
星期四,11月. 7
6 p.m.

所有人都被邀请参加一个 选举后与火博体育学院的汇报 who will address the questions and controversies that remain following Election Day. 联系 汤姆Yoshikami 带着疑问或访问 唐氏教学博物馆网站 了解更多信息.